Saya Zamurai
Nippon Cinema ª
Featuring the screen debut of Takaaki NOMI, MATSUMOTO tells the story of a rogue samurai and his daughter. When the samurai is captured and forced to entertain the stone-faced son of a local lord in endless repetition, the film not only questions the roots of humor but also unveils itself as a melancholic and surprisingly moving requiem on the samurai era.
Japan 2011
113 minutes
"Sayazamurai" Film, Yoshimoto Kogyo
World sales
urban distribution int.
Takaaki NOMI, Sea KUMADA, Itsuji ITAO, Tokio EMOTO, Ryo
About Hitoshi MATSUMOTO
Hitoshi MATSUMOTO, born in 1963 in Amagasaki, is a Japanese director and comedian. In Japan, he and his comedy partner Masatoshi HAMADA found fame as the “Downtown Duo”. His feature film breakthrough came in 2007 with DAINIPPONJIN (NC ’08). NIPPON CONNECTION has featured all his directorial works in past festival editions.