Haruka KOMORI 小森はるか
Listening To The Air
Nippon Docs ¾
The 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami destroyed large parts of the small town of Rikuzentakata. Here, Hiromi ABE hosts a radio show in which she reports on local events and interviews the residents. She focuses not only on the time after the disaster and the ongoing rebuilding of the community, but also on recording personal stories. Haruka KOMORI, who shot this film at the same time as TRACE OF BREATH (winner of the NIPPON VISIONS JURY AWARD 2018), followed her protagonist from 2013 to 2018 to paint an intimate portrait.
Sora ni kiku
日本 2018
73 分
小森はるか, Yusuke FUKUHARA
About Haruka KOMORI
Haruka KOMORI, born in Shizuoka Prefecture in 1989, studied Intermedia Art at Tokyo University of the Arts. After the Tohoku earthquake, she moved to Rikuzentakata to document the life of the people in the region. Her feature film debut TRACE OF BREATH (2017 / NC ’18) was shown at several film festivals and won the NIPPON VISIONS JURY AWARD 2018. Since 2011, she has been collaborating with painter and writer Natsumi SEO on several video works.