
Nippon Cinema   ª 

At work, Kanao, a courtroom portrait artist, silently observes crimes and scandals of the 1990s and the decline of Japanese values. At home in joys of marriage, he quietly observes his wife’s first pregnancy. When their child dies, the couple is shaken by the tragedy but Kanao manages to stand by his wife as she sinks into depression. He calmly guides her towards recovery during this gruelling experience.

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About Ryosuke HASHIGUCHI

Ryosuke HASHIGUCHI, born in Nagasaki Prefecture in 1962, made his first 8mm films while still in high school. After studying film in Osaka, he started working as a director of TV productions. He won the Grand Prize at PIA Film Festival in 1989 for his short film A SECRET EVENING. Since his successful feature film debut with A TOUCH OF FEVER (1992), his films have been constantly shown at international festivals like Cannes, Berlin, and Rotterdam.

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