Constant Metamorphosis

Nippon Animation   ³ 

Independent Animated Shorts By Women

This year’s selection of animated shorts celebrates the careers of four independent women animators. Makiko SUKIKARA, Yoko YUKI, Lisa FUKAYA, and Sarina NIHEI each have their own unique aesthetic, which in all cases is quite different from the style popularized by mainstream Japanese animation. This program, curated by Dr. Catherine Munroe Hotes, gives manifold insights into a Japanese animation community that is actively engaged with the international animation scene.

Tue., June 09 2020,

Sun., June 14 2020,

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Original with English subtitles

Territories: Worldwide

English TitleJapaneseDirectorsCountriesYearLanguageDurationPremiere
Deep-Sea's Rainbow深海の虹Makiko SUKIKARAJapan2019no dialog11 Min.
While The Crow Weepsカラスの涙Makiko SUKIKARAJapan2013no dialog8 Min.
Wild PearやまなしMakiko SUKIKARAJapan2011Original with English subtitles9 Min.
Shimizu Bonno „Shara Bon Bon“清水煩悩「シャラボンボン」Yoko YUKIJapan2019no dialog2 Min.
A Snowflake Into The Night夜になった雪のはなしYoko YUKIJapan2018Original with English subtitles6 Min.
100percentElectrical電気 100%Yoko YUKIJapan2016Original with English subtitles15 Min.
MimiMimiLisa FUKAYAJapan2018no dialog4 Min.
Rabbit TalesLisa FUKAYAJapan2016no dialog3 Min.
Rabbit's BloodSarina NIHEIJapan, UK2017no dialog5 Min.
Small People With HatsSarina NIHEIUK2014no dialog7 Min.
Trifling HabitsSarina NIHEIUK2013no dialog3 Min.
LOVE-HATE RELATIONSHIPSarina NIHEIJapan2012no dialog3 Min.

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