Tower Of The Sun
Nippon Docs ¾
Taro OKAMOTO became world-famous by designing the “Tower of the Sun” at the Expo ’70 in Osaka. The ideas and problems that came with its creation, however, are intertwined with the evolution of Japanese culture – from the Paleolithic up until modern times. In his documentary debut, director Kosai SEKINE takes us on a philosophical journey that transcends the visual limits of documentaries.
Taiyo no to
Japan 2018
112 minutes
About Kosai SEKINE
Kosai SEKINE, born in Tokyo in 1976, graduated from Sophia University with a degree in philosophy. He went on to direct the short film RIGHT PLACE in 2005, and the following year, he won the Young Director Award Grand Prix at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. He has directed numerous commercials and music videos. LOVE AT LEAST is his first feature-length film. His documentary TOWER OF THE SUN (2018) is also shown at this year’s NIPPON CONNECTION Film Festival.